Tuesday, January 7, 2020


       Being a  night owl , Have you ever tried to get up early in the morning or thought of being a morning person ? As , the new year has just began many might decided to getting up early in the morning as a new year resolution. Some may have tried to wake up early and some may have forgot about the resolution. If  we  get up an hour before our work then we will be in a rush in getting ready and we will even skip our breakfast too. If we are such a rush in the beginning of the day .  It will lead to anger and tension .It will be very bad to start with so much of negativity .

       Breakfast is first meal of the day . If we skip this it will lead to lot of health issues such as heart diseases ,weight gain and so on .It also affects the mental health which leads to irritability and mood swings .If we are angry or tension in the morning .It remains throughout the whole day .Due to   this frustration we fail to enjoy the beautiful moments of that day.


 Inorder to prevent this and improve our mental and physical health. We shall start our day little early and do something productive. Some may think what will we do so early in the morning? We can do exercise which  relieves  stress  through  releasing  endorphins . Exercises also have positive attitude towards depression. 



We can spend some solitude time .  We can make a good healthy breakfast  which encourages to fruitful things.


 This helps us to know about ourselves and have self evaluation with us. We can read some positive self help books which leads to a positive attitude towards Life . A healthy person needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Too much of sleep and deprived sleep leads to physical and mental  effects . Let's together start our day early . Let's have a positive  and productive life . A small change leads to a great things ...


            " Early to bed , Early to rise makes a man,
                      Healthy,wealth and wise "


reference : sleep advisor

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