Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Female infanticide..

Female infanticide is one of the unreported crime. This was a predominant crime that happened in India . Female infanticide is called as deliberate killing of newborn female children
The 2011 census showed a significant decline sex ratio. Female infanticide are happened because they consider girl children as a cost and they feel that girl child are married and they go to another house and serve them. They feel that if they have a male child he would take care of them during their old age . They think that if they have girl children then they have to spend a lot of money for their dowry . They see women  as domestic workers and their workers are not considered as productive. In order to save girl children Female infanticide prevention act ,1870. The punishment given for the person who  violates the act is given a sentence period of six months and fine . The stereotypical thought and superstitious beliefs regarding the girl children should be changed not only in cities but also in remote areas . Instead of killing the girl children, they can leave the child in an orphanage or in homes so that they can take care of them. The family should not think girl children are evil and should not think they have to spend a lot on them . These thoughts should be changed . 

      "  The daughter is the knot that ties the 
            Family together "

People should start to think that both their male and female child are equal. The family should support them to pursue their education and follow their dreams. Everyone should think like this and support  women in their family . Everyone should have awareness about female infanticide and effects of female infanticide . A little change that starts from the family can change a society 

Monday, January 27, 2020


                       Nowadays women are allowed to pursue their dreams and passion .Many people in remote areas are aware about the importance of education .They send their children to schools and colleges without gender bias and its really a positive thing.Though , many are aware about importance of education. Many are  sticking towards their own beliefs and not allowing their girl child to educate.Woman deprived of basic education are unaware of basic education lead to many complications to health of woman .

 According to certain statistics ,If  woman  who  are  allowed  to  complete  primary education  it  will  reduce  child marriage .If  the girls are allowed to complete their higher education will reduce pregnancy at  early  20’s.  . Certain reports says that adolescent girls and young woman are underrepresented  decision makers during their marriage and teenage pregnancy . The reducing  complication because of teenage pregnancy and reducing child marriage can be done only through educating  every  girl  child . Education not only teaches about academics but also teaches the basic rights of woman and also about how to take care of their own self during menstruation and about health issues.  They  will  have awareness on personal hygiene on mensuration, pregnancy and regarding child nutrition .


The basic education for a girl child should include personal hygiene during menstruation , information regarding self care during pregnancy period and about child care . Education empowers women and also makes to know about how to self care their body .The man should also aware of the health complication a woman suffers . The decision of a woman should also be accepted and accepted  by everyone in the family. A change in family leads to change in society.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Giving another chance...
         We may have ups and downs in our life .In each and every part of life we may have faced many failures.we must not come to a conclusion that everything have come to an end . We should not feel that  " It happens only to us" every failure and loss teaches us something .Instead we should calm down and say to us that we can solve problems and change things in our life
      " Loss and failure is a learning
Experience "

In certain times we may lose people because of misunderstandings .This may have happened in many of our lives. Everyone is different from others . In every situation , the thoughts of every one will differ from others thought. This is the reason for the misunderstandings . we can leave our ego and give them a chance by talking with them and resolve the problem . Certain time we would have lost people due to our ego and misunderstanding and we should not regret so late and feel bad . Don't come to a conclusion by other people's perspective in your problems . Nobody can solve our problem except you .

Just take a minute and talk with that particular people with whom you have misunderstanding and find the solution for it . Forgive the person . Giving  a single chance to them may change your life. Life is too short . In this life ,what is the use of holding grudges and ego ? . What is the use of hating people?

" Its one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive everybody"
- Maya Angelou

Its time to start a life with no ego and grudges. Spend time with your friends and family . Don't spend time only with a particular person. Don't avoid people .Don't talk harsh words to others It may hurt them. Talk good and positive words . Let us give people a chance which can make change in life


In this technology world people spend lot of their time with their gadgets.
Nowadays , Face to face conversation with people have reduced a lot because of the screens . Due to this people are failing to admire and enjoy the little things around us . Nowadays kids are also spending their precious time with gadgets. The gadgets have curbed the time .They are spending with their parents.

During vacation kids don't play with their friends but with their mobile. If they play outdoor games it teach them about socializing. It creates beautiful memories which could be cherished forever.

If we had a hectic day at work instead of using mobile phones or watching television. We can go out to a park or beach . There we could enjoy and admire the beauty of the nature .

It make us to feel relaxed. In the morning we would have come to work by car .We can say a word of thank you to the driver which gives a positivity  to us and the driver.

If you have a garden in your home spend some time there by taking care of the plants. This activity gives a relaxation to us . 

In the early morning watching sunrise gives happiness to us .There is beauty everywhere around us.

Lets start to admire beauty of nature . Let us have positive attitude towards life through enjoying little moments in the life .

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for   me" 

                                                                                                        -  carol Burnett

                         We all have felt so low and dejected at some situations in our life. During those situations , We all need someone to motivate us  and help us to come out of that situation . We don't find someone to motivate us at every situation .

 Self motivation is an important tool which helps us achieve greater things in our life. Self motivation does not come all of sudden . It can be achieved through some practice and following certain things.

   The first thing we should do is to have belief in yourself .This belief in ourselves helps us and motivates us to do bigger things in our life . In our life we do not face success at all the time. We do face failures in our journey of life . During failure we should not think that we are fit for nothing . We should not lose hope in yourself .
 As there is a saying that failure is a stepping stone our life .We should see failure as a learning experience. We find the reason for the failure .We should track the progress of our work and we should  start to appreciate our little progress .

There are many pessimistic people around us. They don't think and talk positive good words . We should eliminate those  pessimistic and intoxicated people . we should  surround yourself with optimistic and passionate people. They are people who think positive and good things  . These positive people around us help us to be optimistic at every situation .

 Reading helps us to think . We can read optimistic self help books. Let us together motivate yourself and also motivate others. Nothing is impossible . Everything is present within yourself it depends on us either to be optimistic and motivates or vice versa . Think …

    Motivate yourself
                      Achieve greater things…..

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


       Being a  night owl , Have you ever tried to get up early in the morning or thought of being a morning person ? As , the new year has just began many might decided to getting up early in the morning as a new year resolution. Some may have tried to wake up early and some may have forgot about the resolution. If  we  get up an hour before our work then we will be in a rush in getting ready and we will even skip our breakfast too. If we are such a rush in the beginning of the day .  It will lead to anger and tension .It will be very bad to start with so much of negativity .

       Breakfast is first meal of the day . If we skip this it will lead to lot of health issues such as heart diseases ,weight gain and so on .It also affects the mental health which leads to irritability and mood swings .If we are angry or tension in the morning .It remains throughout the whole day .Due to   this frustration we fail to enjoy the beautiful moments of that day.


 Inorder to prevent this and improve our mental and physical health. We shall start our day little early and do something productive. Some may think what will we do so early in the morning? We can do exercise which  relieves  stress  through  releasing  endorphins . Exercises also have positive attitude towards depression. 



We can spend some solitude time .  We can make a good healthy breakfast  which encourages to fruitful things.


 This helps us to know about ourselves and have self evaluation with us. We can read some positive self help books which leads to a positive attitude towards Life . A healthy person needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Too much of sleep and deprived sleep leads to physical and mental  effects . Let's together start our day early . Let's have a positive  and productive life . A small change leads to a great things ...


            " Early to bed , Early to rise makes a man,
                      Healthy,wealth and wise "


reference : sleep advisor

Sunday, December 22, 2019



                       -Dalai Lama
    Have ever felt bad of not getting appreciated for your efforts? If yes , hope this  blog will be informative to you . I am sharing what I have learnt through the session .we have seen many people around us who appreciate others  for their success by seeing the result of their work. They do not even think of the efforts they had taken to achieve this success. . There are people who focus on process and product. These people appreciate their positive results. If they achieve a negative results on their work their works are not even considered as work .This kind of mindset prevail commonly around us .Let us change this type of mindset .Let it start with us. We shall have a growth mindset by appreciating the people's efforts than the result of their work .we can focus on the learning part that we have experienced in our journey of work . Let us enjoy our tedious journey,we have gone through the work .

            "Nobody is perfect "   

 We shall start accepting the imperfections within us and Others.We shall have a positive attitude towards everything that happens around us….Let us start with us and be the change and create a change. WE SHALL APPRECIATE , spread OPTIMISM AND GROW
" Choose to be optimistic,it feels better"
-Dalmia Lama XIV


Female infanticide..

Female infanticide is one of the unreported crime. This was a predominant crime that happened in India . Female infanticide is called ...